How Many Years Can a Miniasture Schnauzer Have Babies

miniature schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is a small German breed. They are well known for their wiry coats and thick whiskers. This breed is friendly, energetic, and intelligent. Plus they can suit lots of different homes!

Today we are going to take a look at the pros and cons of life with a Miniature Schnauzer. Helping you to decide whether this is the perfect pup for your family.

What'due south In This Guide

  • Miniature Schnauzer At A Glance
  • In-depth Breed Review
  • Miniature Schnauzer Training And Intendance
  • Pros And Cons Of Getting A Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer FAQs

Here are our readers' nearly popular and oftentimes asked questions about the Miniature Schnauzer.

  • Are Miniature Schnauzers good family dogs?
  • Do Miniature Schnauzers shed?
  • Are Miniature Schnauzers easy to train?
  • Practice Miniature Schnauzers bark a lot?

These little dogs are charming and sugariness, we can see why you desire ane!

But is this breed right for you and your family?

Brood At A Glance

  • Popularity: 17 out of 193 on AKC
  • Purpose: Terrier Grouping
  • Weight: 11 – 20 pounds
  • Temperament: Intelligent, friendly, outgoing

With their bushy beards and eyebrows, along with their soulful eyes. A Miniature Schnauzer could be a great addition to your home.

Miniature Schnauzer Breed Review: Contents

  • History and original purpose of the Miniature Schnauzer
  • Fun facts about Miniature Schnauzer
  • Miniature Schnauzer appearance
  • Miniature Schnauzer temperament
  • Grooming and exercising your Miniature Schnauzer
  • Miniature Schnauzer health and care
  • Exercise Miniature Schnauzers brand good family pets
  • Rescuing a Miniature Schnauzer
  • Finding a Miniature Schnauzer puppy
  • Raising a Miniature Schnauzer puppy
  • Popular Miniature Schnauzer breed mixes

Desire to know more? You've come to the right place.

Read on for all y'all demand to know nigh this lovely breed. Starting with their history!

History and Original Purpose of the Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzers come from Germany. They are an old breed that are recognized in pictures from the 15th century.

miniature schnauzer

There, Standard Schnauzers were bred with smaller dogs, such every bit the miniature poodle and the Affenpinscher. The aim was to create a farm dog that could chase rats.

The get-go recorded Miniature Schnauzer appeared in 1888.

But it was shown as a distinct breed from 1899.

The breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1926.

Fun Facts About Miniature Schnauzers

Their proper noun comes from a unique role of themselves – can you judge which?

"Schnauze" in German ways muzzle, or snout. Their name refers to the bushy face and whiskers that this breed is so well known for!

Miniature Schnauzer Appearance

They accept a long foreface and a strong muzzle, with thick whiskers. Their bodies are brusque and squat.

They have modest, dark, deep-set brownish optics.

Miniature Schnauzers are 12-14 inches in tiptop. They range in weight from 11-20 lbs

Coat and Colors

The Miniature Schnauzer has a double coat. They have a hard, wiry outer layer and a softer undercoat.

These dogs can be black, salt and pepper, or black and argent in color.

White Miniature Schnauzers exist too. But they are non recognized by some breed associations.

Miniature Schnauzer Temperament

These super-cute pups are friendly, smart, alert, and active. They have spirit!

These lively pups take a medium amount of free energy. Just can be happy living in many areas.

And if well exercised during the mean solar day will all the same be a bit of a lap domestic dog in the evenings.

They are too eager to please, which makes them obedient. Although these petty cuties can likewise be stubborn.

Natural Instincts

Miniature Schnauzers are curious and employ their intelligence to get into trouble!

Because they were bred as ratters, they are spunky and fast. They have big personalities!

Every bit terriers, they dig, hunt, and recollect they're bigger than they are.

Miniature Schnauzers are vocal. They like to bark. But this means they make good watchdogs.

Preparation and Exercising Your Miniature Schnauzer

Training is a skilful thought for Miniature Schnauzers. They need to exercise their minds.

Still, their independent nature means that you may have to be patient and firm. They do not react well to punishment.

These dogs are nutrient-motivated. Keep training sessions brusque, equally Miniature Schnauzers can be bored by repetition.

In one case your canis familiaris starts to obey you, try to adjourn whatsoever barking. You lot won't be able to terminate information technology completely, merely yous may be able to reduce it.

Lively Miniature Schnauzers may enjoy the challenge of agility training, too.

Practise Needs

Miniature Schnauzers are smaller dogs. But this doesn't mean they don't need exercise.

Do is important to maintain both mental and physical health. Peculiarly in these clever, active dogs!

Every bit long equally they become daily exercise, they can accommodate to country or urban center life!

But their strong hunt instinct means they should be kept in a fenced expanse when playing outside off a ternion.

Miniature Schnauzer Health and Care

Unfortunately, Miniature Schnauzers may suffer from a number of health problems.

These cute pups are more genetically probable to develop disorders like the ones below.


Schnauzers are prone to allergies. These often evidence upwards on the skin, as itchiness from contact dermatitis. They may also crusade digestive issues.

The culprit can be nutrient, shampoo, or something in the environment. Allergies can be easily treated, and may brainstorm when your dog is ane-3 years of age.

Schnauzer Bumps

There's a skin status called comedones syndrome. This is so common on Miniature Schnauzers that information technology's too known as "Schnauzer Bumps."

The bumps are often found forth the spine, and may have pus in them. They are thought to exist a event of blocked sebaceous glands (sebaceous glands secrete oil to lubricate pare and hair).

These bumps are not harmful or contagious unless they go infected. If that happens, go to your vet for antibiotics.

Schnauzer bumps are inherited. Flare-ups may happen through your dog'south life.

Exposure to sunlight helps limit outbreaks. And certain antimicrobial shampoos or a dose of allergy medication may help.

Feeding a high quality natural dog nutrient or supplement also reduces the incidence of these bumps.

Other Peel Conditions

Schnauzers are also prone to seborrhea – dry, flaky peel or alternatively, oily, greasy skin. Ask your vet for solutions!

Photoreceptor Dysplasia

Miniature Schnauzers are known to be genetically prone to a progressive retinal atrophy. This basically results in a loss of vision.

Symptoms include a lack of curiosity, circumspection moving effectually, an increased desire to lower the head and sniff, and walking into things.

This disease may apace degenerate as animals get older.

Hyperlipidemia in the Miniature Schnauzer

This is by and large associated with diseases such equally diabetes, hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's Disease), hypothyroidism, and obesity. Hyperlipidemia is more than prevalent in Miniature Schnauzers than other breeds of dogs.

Pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas that may atomic number 82 to organ failure, is too a disease of this type.

Basically, Schnauzers are prone to retaining too many triglyceride lipid fats in their blood.

Symptoms can include hair loss, scratching, urinating and drinking more than normal, inflammation in the eyes, lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting, reduced appetite, and fatty deposits in skin or blood vessels.

Controlling this Illness

Nutrition and monitoring are the best ways to avoid diseases caused by hyperlipidemia. Ask a vet to help create a nutrition that includes high cobweb and low fatty, and monitor tryglyceride levels regularly.

Do not feed tabular array scraps. Do your dog, and maintain her at a healthy weight.

If you run across whatever signs of gastrointestinal problems, go your Miniature Schnauzer to a vet immediately.

Bleeding Disorders

Mini schnauzers are susceptible to some rare blood diseases. Such as hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia, which happen when the allowed organisation starts attacking the domestic dog's ain cells.

This causes anemia, weakness, lethargy, and glue issues, forth with abnormal bleeding and clotting.

Von Willebrand's disease, a clotting disorder, may occur. Hemophilia A, acquired by a missing clotting protein, is another disease that has been associated with Miniature Schnauzers.

Such diseases may require immune-suppressing drugs or claret transfusions.

Diseases of the Kidney, Liver, Intestines, Muscles, and Bladder

Mini schnauzers, fifty-fifty young ones, prove a genetic predilection to renal failure in the kidneys.

miniature schnauzer

This frequently results in wasting away. Signs include airsickness, diluted urine, excessive thirst, increased nitrogen levels, and a subtract in ruby blood jail cell production.

Mini schnauzers likewise may get liver disorders, such as portosystemic shunt, in which blood is diverted from the liver so that it doesn't function properly.

They may suffer from hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, which must be treated quickly to stop diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration.

These dogs may as well have a higher incidence of kidney stones and float stones than other breeds.

Plus, Miniature Schnauzers may suffer from myotonia congenita. Hither skeletal muscles used for movement are prevented from relaxing.

Diseases of the Heart

Middle failure is one of the master causes of death among old Miniature Schnauzers.

This may exist acquired past weakened heart valves (middle murmurs), malfunctioning sinus nodes, or a non-endmost vessel (patent ductus arteriosis).

Signs of heart disease include a depression heart rate, fluid build-up, coughing, fatigue, weakness, or a particular rushing audio in the heartbeat.

A vet tin help you lot make a plan to forbid heart disease. Weight control is needed. In worst cases surgery is warranted.


Many of the above conditions listed accept seizures equally a symptom. However, miniature schnauzers are as well prone to epilepsy.

If your canis familiaris is having seizures, clear piece of furniture that might harm her and otherwise seizure-proof your dwelling.

Talk to a vet; your dog's doctor may wish to put your schnauzer on medication to manage episodes.

Your Canis familiaris's Health

We realize this list seems intimidating! But not all Schnauzers will take wellness issues, and some of these conditions are quite rare.

In general, if your Miniature Schnauzer is showing any unusual symptoms, consult a vet right away.

Also, your vet may recommend periodic testing for some of the conditions common to Miniature Schnauzers.

Life Expectancy

Your Miniature Schnauzer can, if healthy, alive 12-15 years.

Your dog's lifespan depends on her own health and environment, genetic predispositions to illnesses like those listed higher up, and quality of life.

Some dogs will not live as long, considering of concrete issues. Others may alive longer, with good care.


At that place is no such affair as a hypoallergenic dog. But Miniature Schnauzers don't shed ofttimes.

Dog allergies are caused by a protein in dog saliva and urine, which adheres to fur.

Some breeds don't release as much fur. So those breeds are frequently called hypoallergenic.

But the protein still exists in the dog'southward pilus and dander.

Allergic people may endure less when exposed to certain dogs, but there are no guarantees.


Miniature Schnauzers need daily grooming considering of their double coat.

Stripping is washed for show-quality dogs. This requires removing loose, dead hairs by hand or with a stripping pocketknife.

Clipping, a less fourth dimension-consuming process, is normally washed for business firm pets. Clipping is done with a shaver to remove the topcoat and reveal the softer hair underneath.

Without regular grooming, Schnauzer hair tin can get hands tangled and matted.

Do Miniature Schnauzers Make Good Family unit Pets

But you lot tin make up one's mind if your house needs a Miniature Schnauzer. Based on the info we've given you, tin y'all handle i?

These dogs are popular, and have corking characters. They're cute, smart and perfect for moderately active families.

But, they require daily preparation. Plus, lots of mental stimulation to foreclose boredom.

Plus there are health problems you may have to contend with down the line. Are you ready for that?

If the answer is yes, and so a Miniature Schnauzer might be the dog for you. For health reasons, you may want to rescue an adult.

Rescuing a Miniature Schnauzer

Breed-specific rescues for Miniature Schnauzers be. Only sometimes these dogs plow up in normal animal shelters besides.

If y'all can help rehome a Schnauzer, that's dandy!

Only there are risks here also. You will take fewer options with age and health of your potential pet, as well as its evidence qualities if you care nigh that.

If you don't care, go for it! Merely be prepared, and exist patient. Remember, information technology may take some time to find the right pup for you out of the limited numbers of Miniature Schnauzers that need rescuing.

  • Click here to run into our list of Mini Schnauzer rescues

Finding a Miniature Schnauzer puppy

Breeders of Miniature Schnauzers can exist establish all over. You can get a referral from the American Miniature Schnauzer Society.

First, know if you're looking for a pedigreed, evidence-quality animate being, or only a healthy one for a family pet.

Research your breeder. You desire to know that the breeder is ethical and responsible. So if you tin visit the site, do that.

This lets you see for yourself how your potential pet lives. Ask questions almost wellness history and get documentation before you commit to a purchase.

Where to Avoid

Make sure to avoid puppy mills. These breeders just brood with money in heed rather than to create healthy happy dogs.

These pups are normally cheaper, but they have a worse quality of life.

As do the parent dogs, who are ofttimes but seen as a ways to an end.

Pet stores oft buy puppies from puppy mills. So make sure to besides avoid pet store when buying your Mini Schnauzer.


A Miniature Schnauzer puppy can cost anywhere from $500 to thousands of dollars.

Bear witness-quality dogs are more than expensive. If you only desire a canis familiaris for your family, you might be able to find ane for less.

If you lot want more than help choosing a puppy, bank check out our Puppy Search Guide.

Raising a Miniature Schnauzer puppy

Miniature Schnauzer puppies are the cutest things on the planet. But don't permit their sweetness bullheaded yous!

miniature schnauzer

No thing how cute the puppy looks, y'all still need to research the breeder and the dog'due south lineage. Given the potential health risks, it may save you money and heartache down the line.

Pups are usually available at most eight weeks old. You tin find out about their development stages here.

Caring for a Mini Schnauzer puppy is a large responsibility. Just we have some bang-up guides to assist you with all aspects of puppy intendance and training.

You lot'll find them on our puppy intendance page.

Pop Miniature Schnauzer Breed Mixes

Miniature Schnauzer mixes do be.

1 plus of mixed breed dogs is health problems can be less probable due to the mix of genes.

Also, they will have dissimilar qualities to purebred dogs of both breeds. But maybe that's what you want!

Simply, you still need to be careful and responsible if you program to adopt a mix. Both parents should be tested for genetic issues, and the health of your pup should be examined advisedly.

Cheque out the Mini Schnauzer mixes below!

  • Mauzer
  • Snorkie

Similar Breeds

If you're non sure this is the brood for you lot, in that location are plenty of others to consider.

Take a look at some similar breeds that might exist perfect for your family.

  • Miniature German Shepherd
  • Miniature Bull Terrier
  • Pocket Pitbull

Pros And Cons of Getting A Miniature Schnauzer

So, we've learnt a lot about the Miniature Schnauzer!

But allow's recap everything so you can make the best decision near this breed.


Firstly, they are a loud breed that will spend a lot of time barking.

Mini Schnauzers take a lot of potential health problems to be aware of.

They accept strong natural chase instincts that make living with other animals tricky.

This breed requires a lot of grooming every twenty-four hours.

They also crave a lot of mental stimulation to forestall boredom.


Firstly, Mini Schnauzers are a friendly, social breed.

They can adjust metropolis or country living if they get their regular exercise.

This is besides an intelligent breed that takes well to training.

Mini Schnauzer Breed Rescues

So if you've decided a Miniature Schnauzer rescue is the way y'all desire to get, take a await at the rescue centers in your expanse.

USA Rescues

  • The American Miniature Schnauzer Guild
  • Miniature Schnauzer Rescue of Houston

Britain Rescues

  • Terrier SOS
  • The Schnauzer Gild of United kingdom


  • Miniature Schnauzer Australia


  • Miniature Schnauzer Club of Canada
  • Miniature Schnauzer Rescue

If yous know any other great Mini Schnauzer rescues, let us know in the comments so we can add them to this list!

This article has been extensively re-visited and revised for 2019

References And Resources

  • Gough A, Thomas A, O'Neill D. 2018 Breed Predispositions to Illness In Dogs and Cats. Wiley Blackwell
  • O'Neill et al. 2013. Longevity and Bloodshed of Dogs Endemic In England. The Veterinary Journal
  • Duffy D et al. Breed differences in canine aggression. Applied Animal Behavior Science 2008
  • Adams VJ, et al. 2010. Results of a Survey of Uk Purebred Dogs. Journal of Minor Animal Practice.
  • American Kennel Club, "Miniature Schnauzers."
  • American Miniature Schnauzer Gild (2013). "Pet grooming tips for the Miniature Schnauzer."
  • Bhalerao, D. P. et al (2002). Detection of a genetic mutation for myotonia built among Miniature Schnauzers and identification of a common carrier ancestor. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 63.
  • Giles, A. R. et al (1984). Development of factor VIII: C antibodies in dogs with hemophilia A (Cistron VIII:C deficiency). Blood, 63.
  • Heske, L. et al (2014). A accomplice study of epilepsy amid 665,000 insured dogs: incidence, mortality, and survival after diagnosis. The Veterinary Journal, 202.
  • Parshall et al (1991). Photoreceptor Dysplasia: An inherited progressive retinal cloudburst of miniature schnauzer dogs. Progress in Veterinary & Comparative Ophthalmology, 1.
  • Due north. Mori et al (2009). Predisposition for primary hyperlipidemia in Miniature Schnauzers and Shetland sheepdogs as compared to other canine breeds. Research in Veterinary Science, 88.
  • Morton 50. D. et al (1990). Juvenile renal disease in Miniature Schnauzer dogs. Veterinary Pathology, 27.
    Murayama, Due north., et al (2008).. A case of superficial suppurative necrolytic dermatitis of miniature schnauzers with identification of a causative agent using patch testing. Veterinarian Dermatology, 19.
  • Parker, H. G. and Kilroy-Glynn, P. (1016), Myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs: Does size matter? Journal of Veterinary Cardiology, fourteen.


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